Useful info
Mobile Networks
The OpenSignal app can help you avoid the everyday pain of poor connectivity. It’s a signal-toolkit that can show you how to get a better connection in realtime, find nearby free Wifi hotspots and view real-world coverage maps so that you can be sure that you know which network offers the best coverage and performance in your area.
World Weather Conditions
Every day this site help people to plan their lives, protect their businesses, and get more from their day. Hier you can ckeck hourly and Minute by Minute forecasts for any longitude/latitude on Earth
Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Before travelling to a country considered at risk, we advise registering your trip at the website "Dove siamo nel mondo" that is so as to make it possible for the Foreign Ministry Crisis Unit to intervene as rapidly and accurately as possible on your behalf in any eventual emergency. You can find more information hier:
Exchange Rates
Get real time currency exchange rates with this converter.
Italian National Police
Welcome to the official website of the Polizia di Stato - Italian National Police. Here you can find information about our organization and our work.
Time Zone Check
Find The Current Local Time And Date Check the current local time in over 100 cities with our World Clock